I have been drawing ever since middle school. I started with pencil and sketched whatever came to mind: shapes; patterns; trees; flowers; animals.

I developed a passion for architecture and pursued a degree in designing spaces for others which included drawing/painting classes. During that time, I realized the best architecture for other’s health and well being brings in elements that resemble nature with colors, smells, textures, windows. Ultimately we desire being one with nature. There are actually studies that show trees emit a chemical that makes us healthier and relaxes us. With creating these spaces dedicated towards making people happier and healthier, I began traveling the world in my spare time to see these natural wonders in person. Every place I have been has given unique experiences and inspiration that you just can’t get any other way than in person. A picture excites you, an experience is life changing. 

After college I began meditating which has allowed me to slow down the world around me and appreciate the beauty within each part of world around me. Now, when I go out I individually notice each rose, each tree, and each human and their own natural beauty. 

I hope my artwork inspires a similar desire in you to go out and experience all there is of nature and world around us, giving space and gratitude for each individual piece within the larger picture of the world.